Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Academic Library 2.0 Paper

I wanted to attach the PDF of my paper on Academic Library 2.0; unfortunately, it does not appear that blogger will allow me to do this. If anyone knows a way to circumvent this, please let me know. Anyway, here, at least, is my abstract:
As the World Wide Web develops, evolves, and becomes more integrated into the world culture, it must also become more integrated into the library world. Web 2.0 has been considered by some as the second generation of the World Wide Web that emphasizes certain characteristics, such as increased user participation, perpetual beta for software, and remixability of web applications and services. This term entered the libraries as Library 2.0, attempting to bring some of the same concepts identified with Web 2.0 into the library culture. This paper moves from these foundations to discuss Academic Library 2.0, the contributors, and the various forms it has taken. The paper concludes with some views on the future web development and academic libraries.
Hopefully, I will figure out a way to post the whole paper. I truly enjoyed researching for it and then synthesizing the plethora of information into this final term paper.

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