Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Instruction and Reference

Yesterday, I did both (sort of).

11am-noon, we (the interns) met with Rebecca to continue to refine the instructional plan for COMM 100W. Each intern took of the group assignments, practiced doing it, and then giving a 5 minute presentation at the end as the students would. A general challenge was found in that Ebsco has changed their interface but not completely. So while I was working on the task, I saw the old interface but when I went up to present, I found the new one in replacement. This reminded me that we have to be prepared for the unexpected, such as the databases we intend to use to not be available (this happened the previous week during our meeting). I fumbled with my words and what I was trying to convey, but I think I would have done so anyway. This is an area that I am hoping to improve in: conducting a presentation. I was supposed to be presenting a successful keyword search but I totally blew it. I was not certain what an undergraduate would do, how they would approach the assignment. Rebecca used my calamity to remind us that occasionally students will need help and guidance as they make their presentations.

5-8pm, I sat at the Reference desk. This was for the most part uneventful. I did, again, get to use my Math Department Textbook Coordinator skills in dealing with a question regarding a math textbook. More copier center and card-related questions were encountered.

Friday, January 25, 2008

2nd Reference Desk Observation

Hmmm, lessons learned...
1) It is important to know how the copier, coin machine, and printers work.
2) Telephone reference involves a lot of directory assistance.
3) Knowing Spanish can be very useful, even better when you can communicate in it.
4) Fridays are a very slow time at the desk.

Hours: 4.0

Thursday, January 24, 2008

First Instruction Collaboration Meeting

Today at 9:30am, I met with Rebecca and the other three interns (Aloha, Bernd, and Erin) to begin preparing for COMM 100W information literacy sessions. It was a wonderful experience. Rebecca led us through creating a list of objectives and then subheadings beneath them. We fiddled around in a business database, giving her ideas about areas requiring instruction. She then reformed the information so that we had five objectives with a list of questions that would help to students to investigate that topic and become knowledgeable on it. The teams (each team focusing on one objective) would use their new knowledge to put together a presentation for the class. I am excited to see it in practice.

Hours: 1.5

First Reference Desk Observation

On Tuesday, Jan. 22, I began the reference portion of my internship. Mike took us on an hour tour of the 2nd floor reference area. It was helpful that I had utilized several of the resources in reference for my reference class (LIBR 210) with Charlotte Ford. I sat at the King Reference Desk to observe what will soon be my job. Want to take a guess at the most popular question? ... No, not the bathroom location. Similar though. "Where can I make copies?" Basically, I directed 4 people to the copy center, which is down the hallway to the blue sign that says "Copy Center." Make a right at this sign, follow down the stacks until you see the copy machines on the right. There is also a machine to get and put money on a card for printing and a machine for getting coinage change. Very exciting. Well, school had started yet, so perhaps at my next seating, it will be more eventful. Finally, I observed a staff member at the reference phone. I discovered through this that King Library offers free 20 minute consulting with a lawyer. Very useful to the public. At this point, it is essential to point out that I will be serving both academic patrons and public. This increases the diversity of questions I will receive.

Hours: 4.0

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Internship - First Meeting

The first meeting for my internship was on January 17, 2008. About 45 minutes was spent with Mike Condon to discuss the reference aspect of the internship. I will be handling the level 1 & 2 questions, and whenever I feel comfortable, the level 3. I am very much looking forward to the direct interactions with patrons and sharpening my skills to understand and meet their needs. Next, I met with Rebecca Feind to discuss the instruction component. We will be teaching information literacy competency to students in English 1B and Communication 100W in a more progressive instruction style. Because I get nervous when I stand in front of a group, I look forward to growing more comfortable with instruction. I am also eager to discover what instructional methods work best with my teaching skills.

First Post

This is where I, Jeffra Bussmann, will be posting my reflections and actions during my remaining time in San Jose State University's School of Library and Information Science. My expected graduation date is December 2008, and I can't wait.

This Spring 2008 semester I am enrolled in LIBR 220 - Resources and Information Services in Science and Technology, and LIBR 230 - Issues in Academic Libraries. I recently began a student assistant position in the SJSU Special Collections. I am also an intern in the King Library for Reference and Instruction. Mostly, I will post information about my internship for record.